British Values / SMSC

Promoting British Values & SMSC

The DfE have stated the need ‘to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with differing faiths and beliefs’.

At Hemingbrough CP School these values are integrated across the school, in a range of teaching and learning contexts.

SMSC stands for Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural education. SMSC takes a high priority at Hemingbrough CP School, embedded into our broad curriculum as well as through extra-curricular activities, trips, and clubs and theme days. It is not a ‘standalone’ subject.

Spiritual Education
Hemingbrough CP School has strong community links with both St Mary’s Church and the Methodist Church. We make regular visits to St Mary’s and the ‘Open the Book’ group visit each month to lead assembly. Our RE curriculum covers a range of faiths, whilst celebrating the Christian ethos of the school. Spirituality is explored though assemblies led by school staff. The majority of children have a sense of enjoyment in their learning which is achieved through our schools aims, values and school motto ‘Learn, Laugh, Succeed’

Moral Education
Children have an understanding of right and wrong. This is reinforced through a well understood behaviour policy. Children and staff agree a whole school Charter and ‘Say No to Bullying’ at the start of each academic year. These are regularly referred to.

Children are given opportunities to offer views on moral and ethical issues through curriculum work and the introduction of the Global Learning Programme has also played a part in this area.

Social Education
The school is part of a supportive and social community. Children are encouraged to use a range of social skills through the provision of clubs, fairs, discos, events, trips (including residentials) and cluster events (e.g. sports). The children have a great understanding of inclusion and help and support others regardless of faith, beliefs, race or disability.

Cultural Education
Children have opportunities to participate in a range of artistic, musical, sporting and cultural activities. Achievements are celebrated both within class and during whole school ‘Wall Assembly’ and during House assemblies where children can show and discuss certificates, trophies and awards.

British Values
British Values are actively practised at Hemingbrough CP School.

Children have many opportunities for their voices to be heard through regular discussions with subject leaders, school council and eco council. Council members are voted for by their peers. We also hold mock ‘general’ elections when appropriate in order that children gain further first-hand experience of the electoral process.

‘Lolly sticks’ are used across school to ensure all children have equal opportunities to ‘have their say’ and children are encouraged to express their own views in lesson.

Further up the school texts which explore democracy and freedom of speech are used to develop children’s understanding.
Class voting is also used regularly for a range of purposes (e.g. to decide the classes ‘lunchtime’ choice). Children are also able to choose from a range of reward time activities each week.
The rule of Law
The importance of Laws (or rules) is embedded in the schools ethos. Our behaviour policy, school charter and stop the bullies reinforces this.

There are a variety of rewards for appropriate behaviour, kindness, thoughtfulness, good manners etc. as well as sanctions for inappropriate behaviour. We also have a clear uniform policy which is adhered to well.

Children are taught the value of and reasons for laws throughout the curriculum. Our school council is visiting the Houses of Parliament to further support their understanding. They will share their experience across the school.
Individual Liberty
Children are actively encouraged to make their own choices in a safe and supportive environment.

Appropriate differentiation allows our children to achieve and progress, they are able to choose from a variety of reward time activities and make simple choices about where they sit at lunch time etc.

Worry boxes are used to allow children opportunities to express concerns about self or others. Our school talent show, clubs and concerts also give children individual choice.

Mutual respect and tolerance of those with differing faiths and beliefs
We have high expectations for all parties involved with the school. Children are taught to respect each other, to cooperate with and support others, to understand and accept difference. As a highly inclusive school children have many opportunities to develop these skills / ideas.

As well as promoting mutual respect across the school and its curriculum, it is also fostered through ‘wall assembly’, House Charity Day, circle time, partner and group work, ‘nurture group’ and through the adoption of Restorative Practice.

As our school is situated in a mainly mono cultural area, we ensure children experience diversity through RE, PSHCE, assemblies and theme days as well as the introduction of the Global Learning Programme.